Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): Científic@ - Multidisciplinary Journal - Dossiê Temático: Saúde e Sociedade: diálogos interdisciplinares - ISSN 2358-260X

					View Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): Científic@ - Multidisciplinary Journal - Dossiê Temático: Saúde e Sociedade: diálogos interdisciplinares - ISSN 2358-260X

It is with immense satisfaction that we announce the publication of yet another thematic dossier in the Científic@ magazine, this time with a very current theme in pandemic times: Saúde e Sociedade. The result of a union between research professors from different institutions, mainly from the Midwest and Northeast regions, this dossier reinforces the multidisciplinary character of the journal and the importance of creating links between the fields of knowledge, in order to deepen and problematize issues that are present in the field of health and that reflect on the social environment in which we are inserted.
The nascent germ of this dossier took shape among the faculty at the Nova Esperança College of Mossoró (RN) who, by coordinating study groups with students from different courses at the institution (physiotherapy, nursing, medicine, among others), saw the potential to produce articles that contemplate the theme of health and society, since it bears in mind that no health practice is isolated from the countless contexts and variables that surround them. Allied to this, we obtained full support from Evangélica de Goianésia to organize the dossier in the journal Cientific@, with all the academic and technical support that the institution has.
The articles that the reader will have at their disposal are diverse not only in terms of quantity, but also in terms of their origins, bringing multiple perspectives that explore classic and contemporary themes in the Brazilian public health scenario; This collective health has received severe blows in recent years, in view of the devastated land in which Brazil, once an international reference in several indicators, is today.
Last but not least, this dossier is also dedicated to all those who lost their lives in the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as their family members, partners and friends.

Published: 2021-11-17


Dossiê Temático: Saúde e Sociedade: diálogos interdisciplinares