Vaccines: the beginnings of a health practice


  • Ana Beatriz Silva Barbosa Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - FACENE/RN
  • Anna D'Ávilla de Oliveira Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - FACENE/RN
  • Halana Maria de Alencar Fonseca Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - FACENE/RN
  • Ana Carla Isabelita de Lima Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - FACENE/RN
  • Rodrigo Augusto Cavalcante Fernandes Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - FACENE/RN
  • Sérgio Everton Bessa Farias Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - FACENE/RN
  • Waldineide Oliveira do Nascimento Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró - FACENE/RN
  • Rodrigo José Fernandes de Barros FACENE-RN
  • Jamile Rodrigues Comes de Holanda FACENE-RN



Thousands of infectious diseases plague humanity for many years, from the first outbreak of plague that caused a high lethality to the present day, with stronger diseases and with high spread. Thus, over the years, vaccines emerged, initially with the English physician Edward Jenner, creator of the first vaccine against smallpox. Thus, this research seeks to survey the creations of the world's first vaccines, usually triggered after disease outbreaks that affected various populations in the past of humanity. To this end, a search was carried out in digital collections that spoke about the beginnings of vaccination, finding and using more books than articles. For the search, the keywords were used: “vaccinationâ€, “beginningsâ€, “first vaccinesâ€, “development†of associated forms, using the Boolean operator “ANDâ€. And it can be seen that after Jenner's notes and experiments, many other researchers were able to develop and apply vaccine tests, today in a much more controlled and detailed way. And that with the obligation it is not possible to vaccinate the entire population, given the revolts unleashed by it. Thus, we can conclude that the vaccine, despite a long trajectory covered in Brazil and in the world, has achieved mass vaccination, a fundamental product for health and quality of life, in addition to demonstrating its indispensability for man as the second largest reduction factor of mortality.

Author Biographies

Rodrigo José Fernandes de Barros, FACENE-RN

Graduado em Ciências Sociais pela UERN, especialista em Ciência Política e mestre em Ciências Sociais pela UFRN. Docente da FACENE-RN.

Jamile Rodrigues Comes de Holanda, FACENE-RN

Graduada em Enfermagem pela FACENE-RN. Mestre em Cognição, Tecnologias e Instituições pela UFERSA. Docente da FACENE-RN.



How to Cite

Barbosa, A. B. S., de Oliveira, A. D., Fonseca, H. M. de A., de Lima, A. C. I., Fernandes, R. A. C., Farias, S. E. B., … Holanda, J. R. C. de. (2021). Vaccines: the beginnings of a health practice. Científic@ - Multidisciplinary Journal, 8(2), 1–15.