Historical and normative analysis of the "forced disappearance of people" from the Blake vs. Guatemala
Human rights; forced disappearance; humanitarian crime; Inter-American Court of Human RightsAbstract
The main objective of this article is to evaluate the normativity in the international plane related to the forced disappearance of people, considering the historical procedures that culminated in its systematization. The conception of this phenomenon is based on its understanding as a crime against humanity, hurting the dignity of the human person, not only in the figure of the victim, but also of his family entities, perpetrated, in its most common modality, directly or indirectly by organs the state. From this assumption, will be entered in the judgment of the Blake Case Vs. Guatemala by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, including its implications for the strengthening of human rights at the global level. For that, the applied methodology was the bibliographical and documentary revision.
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