Psycho-Educative Intervention in STD for Young Teens
The aim of this work was to elaborate a strategy of psycho-educative intervention for the prevention of STD and unplanned pregnancy for young teens. The study population was composed of participants from 15 to 20 years, enrolled in public schools and private high school in the city of João Pessoa. It was built a psycho-educative intervention, based on the theory of Planned Behavior and Vulnerability. The intervention resulted in three meetings on consecutive days in which sexual initiation was discussed, the ideologies of gender, negotiation and benefits of condom use. For analysis of the results were engraved the 15 minutes late each day, in which it was, discussed the perception of participants on intervention and analyzed for thematic categorization. The data demonstrated the appropriateness of intervention for teen audiences.
Keywords: Intervention; Adolescence; Theory of vulnerability; Theory of Planned behavior.References
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