Unión de dos Unidades Léxicas. Uso de Co-Ocurrencias para Investigar el Desarrollo y Autoevaluación de la Lengua Oral en Profesorado
qualitative analysis, primary education, communicative competenceAbstract
The diversification of complex qualitative analyses makes it possible to deepen and give visibility to the topics studied and to the voices of the people participating in research with this methodological design. This article presents the use of co-occurrence analysis using ATLAS.ti to investigate the development of the communicative competence of a group of male and female teachers. It seeks to respond to the following research objectives: a) To present in a practical way the use of co-occurrences as a technique for analyzing the self-assessment and development of the communicative competence of primary school teachers in Chile; and b) To describe the importance of using varied qualitative analyses to deepen the data. A qualitative research was designed and a semi-structured interview was used, which was later transcribed and analyzed using ATLAS.ti. Eighteen primary school teachers from Chile participated. The findings indicate that using proximity operators, such as co-occurrence analysis, allows access to the semantic interrelationships that exist in the narratives of the participating teachers. The results show the influence of the stimuli and the importance of the environment for the development of the teachers' communicative competence, as well as demonstrating that there is a change in the communicative trajectory, evolving in terms of the communicative style received and the one they impart in their daily teaching. The qualitative analyses with proximity operators have allowed access to a deeper understanding of the ideas attributed to the development and current state of the oral language in elementary school teachers.
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