Professional Learning Communities (CPA): A Theoretical Review for Directive Management and Achievement of Pedagogical Leadership in Schools of the 21st Century
Professional Communities of Learning, Leadership, Management, Collaborative Learning, Pedagogical LeadershipAbstract
Currently, the managing leadership has been positioned as an issue of increasing significance in the educational agenda of countries (UNESCO 2015) in this matter, this article replies to the challenges that the management teams confront at the schools of the XXI century; since their goal is to provide to the Principals of educational organizations, to a concrete proposal of strategic management, called the Professional Learning Communities (CPA), considering that this helps, to the development of a Pedagogical Leadership at schools, in other words, improves the students learning. This study is the result of qualitative research, of a descriptive type based on the comparison of bibliographic sources and the study of national and international cases. Among the main findings, it can be highlighted that the construction of CPA allows schools to better deal with the challenges that current society and educational policies demand from educational establishments, since it is based on a critical, participatory reflection and agree with the diverse processes that are developed within schools, promoting a prevalent vision, distributed leadership, an environment of trust and respect, the development of common responsibilities and finally the establishment of internal or external networks that support the development of individual and collective learning in educational institutions.
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