Inclusion in the Portuguese Higher Education: Analysis of Regulatory Framework of Students with Special Educational Needs
Inclusion, Disability, Special Educational Needs, Higher Education, Critical Qualitative InquiryAbstract
Diversity and quality teaching are important and challenging topics to higher education. The main goal of this study was to analyse the recognition and the support to students with special educational needs in the Portuguese universities and polytechnic institutes. Data collection was carried out through an online search, and were found documents (orders/regulations) about students with special educational needs related to 26 institutions (13 from the 15 universities that are part of the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities and 14 from the 25 institutions that are part of the Coordinating Council of Polytechnic Higher Institutes). The document analysis allowed us to realise that for higher education institutions the student with special educational needs is perceived according to a broad sense of disability and special educational needs; the support structure for these students is diverse; and support actions essentially refer to ensuring attendance (improving accessibility and mobility conditions), frequency conditions of curricular activities and evaluation conditions. Reflection on the subject remains necessary as well as the discussion on the best inclusive practices.
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