Techno-Business and Techno-Knowledge: A Perspective from Business Bioethics
Organizations, Techno-Company Ethics, Techno-Knowledge Management, Techno-KnowledgeAbstract
The relationship between bioethics, techno-business and society, is addressed, linking these elements from the philosophical critic to the techno-scientific display (characteristic of the new era of knowledge through the link between the economic fact underlying its epistemic structure). The ethical sense of techno-business is analyzed, by virtue of techno-knowledge and its role in the construction of action benchmarks. Subsequently, the immanent structure to the generation of knowledge is described, as a new way of intervening nature. Therefore, the context of the techno-company is three-dimensionalized, clarifying the purpose that the techno-entrepreneurial rationality has in the “lifeworld†preservation. It is concluded that the techno-knowledge society, is demarcated by the transformation of knowledge through techno-entrepreneurial rationality, promoting niche markets that amplify the risks of the vital environment, for which it is inserted into the philosophical discourse of post-modernity that characterizes bioethics.
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