Development of Computational Models for Predictive Evaluation of Ecotoxicity in Bees: Current Challenges
Pollinators, Computational Toxicology, Artificial Intelligence, Predictive ModelingAbstract
The hazardous chemicals, especially pesticides and industrial chemicals, have been responsible for a dramatic drop in number of bees. Therefore, ecological risk assessment of novel chemicals is vital and necessary. Since experimental assays on bees are costly, time-consuming, and poses an ethical problem; there is a very urgent need to develop alternative methods for assess ecotoxicity on bees. In this review, we summarize current technological development efforts to reliably identify and filter out compounds potentially toxic for bees. Furthermore, we highlighted the recent strengths and pitfalls in the integration, preparation and standardization of data needed to build computational models, and suggest possible roadmaps, which may contribute for optimizing research outputs and led to more successful and predictive computational models.
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