Tourism in Popular Festivities: the case of the holy Divine Spirit
The Holy Divine Spirit Festival in Pirenópolis-Goiás has been receiving large number of researchers and tourists. Therefore, this article is a reinterpretation of the data obtained from forms applied with tourists during the festivities in honor of the Holy Spirit in Pirenópolis-Go in the years 2010 and 2013, aiming succinctly to expose the vision this tourist has face this popular celebration. The data presented here are the result of efforts by members of the Research Group Canela D’Ema, linked to the State University of Goiás, Campus Pirenópolis in Scientific Initiation Project: Research in Tourism Demand in Pirenópolis:. Analysis of data developed by Professor Dr. Tereza Caroline Lobo and her mentees.
Keywords: Tourism; Culture; Feast of the Divine; Pirenópolis.
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