Theory of Loss of a Chance - Uniformity Perspective in the STJ When of the Judicial Provision
Missed chance, Judicial Provision, Efficiency, StandardizationAbstract
The scientific writing proposes to investigate the Theory of Loss of a Chance, a legal phenomenon present in the judicial provision of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ). Transcending the decisions of European courts comes to the appearance of the missed chance as a generator of a fourth-class indemnity quantum, a jurisprudential product of the Supreme Court. Investigating the object in the Brazilian civil procedural field, the present study confirms the applicability of theory and its effectiveness, even though there is no regulatory and disciplinarian code. The research was guided by a jurisprudential analysis (inductive approach and bibliographic and documentary procedures – phenomenological-legal method), which served the presentation of a portrait within the scope of the Supreme Court that makes possible the application of theory in Brazil, a view of uniformity of matter is fuelled by the guardian of infraconstitutional laws.
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