Obstacles In Combating Money Laundering Crime
Jurisprudential analysis of the crime of money laundering; Political, economic and psychosocial aspects; Obstacles; International cooperation.Abstract
The article in question aims to draw attention to the difficulties that translate huge losses to the measures to fight money laundering in Brazil. It seeks, therefore, to explore the obstacles of legal origin, political, economic, psychosocial, military, scientific and technological, and international juridical aspects. It should be noted that the fight against laundry capital is efficient and effective, indeed, this offense will suffer significantly. We wanted to emphasize that money laundering is complex and that the role of intelligence activity gained high importance in the production of useful knowledge for making decisions on measures against such offense. Being a crime of great complexity, the State intelligence activity should work in the context of an integrated intelligence system, with the goal of producing knowledge that operated mainly the above aspects that hinder the fight against money laundering. It can not fail to mention, among these aspects, the importance of effective international cooperation with the countries of international agreements relating to the fight against money laundering and other crimes related to this crime. Emphasis is given to the question that the intelligence activity should not only prioritize the economic aspect, the production of knowledge that support decision-making on the appropriate measures to combat money laundering. Emphasis is put on the difficulties in combating the laundry of capital which is wide and have diverse backgrounds. It requires the intelligence activity as an essential performance not only prioritizing the economic factor in the production of intelligence knowledge, but working with other factors that impact significantly the fight against this crime that afflicts virtually all countries in the contemporary world.
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