
  • Erick Tiago Lino Pereira Unievangélica
  • Thais Aires da Silva Faculdade Metropolitana de Anápolis
  • Adevane da Silva Pinto Universidade Estadual de Goiás
  • Laísse Danielle Pereira Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Rio Verde




Water courses guarantee water to the rural and urban population through springs. Inappropriate soil management causes sandy soils, with a high slope, uncovered by vegetation and compacted, consequently impermeable, erosions result in silted streams and rivers, thus reducing the amount of drinking water. The present work aimed to diagnose the environmental impacts on springs in the Jaraguá Goiás municipality. In 2019, through the extension project “Preservation of the Environment, with a focus on saving water, energy, preservation and recovery of springs”, diagnostics, with photographic records and filming in six springs, with the support of academic volunteers from the Agronomy, Environmental and Sanitary Engineering course, scholarship holders from the Pedagogy and Accounting Sciences course, from the Environment Secretariat and from the professor proposing the action. The macroscopic parameters evaluated were: erosion in the springs and permanent preservation areas, coloring, odor, garbage, floating materials, foams and oils, sewage, vegetation, use by animals, anthropic use, protection, identification, residences and type of insertion area . The classification of springs by degree of preservation was carried out by means of notes, which indicates the preservation rates as preserved springs, moderately preserved and degraded according to the scale of the notes, with springs having an index of 20 to 32 points being considered preserved, those that scored 33 to 46 points are moderately preserved springs and those that scored 47 to 60 points are degraded. Each of the six springs visited by the extension project in 2019 presented different aspects of degradation, but with some similar characteristics. In this context, it is clear that most springs do not have enough native vegetation and / or none. In all diagnoses, large animals were found in the area, compromising the life of the springs. it is understood the need and urgency in the continuity of work in this aspect involving the other spheres of society.

Author Biographies

Thais Aires da Silva, Faculdade Metropolitana de Anápolis

Engenheira Ambiental e Sanitária, pela Faculdade metropolitana de Anápolis

Adevane da Silva Pinto, Universidade Estadual de Goiás

Pedagogo, Mestre em Ensino de Ciências da Universidade Estadual de Goiás - Coordenador do Projeto de Extensão e do Curso de Pedagogia, Universidade Estadual de Goiás Campus Jaraguá Goiás

Laísse Danielle Pereira, Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Rio Verde

Engenheira Agrônoma, Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Agrárias – Agronomia do Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Rio Verde



How to Cite

Lino Pereira, E. T., Silva, T. A. da, Pinto, A. da S., & Pereira, L. D. (2020). ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS REGISTERED IN NASCENTES IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF JARAGUÁ, GOIÁS IN THE YEAR 2019. Científic@ - Multidisciplinary Journal, 7(2), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.37951/2358-260X.2020v7i2.4551